People often wrap themselves in the identity of others. Some folks will choose to be identified as Republicans or Democrats, Tea Party Conservatives, conservationists, environmentalists, or maybe just part of the elite. Many people will embrace the identity of the college they attended. They will wrap themselves in the colors and excitement of the college, even to the point that their mood for the entire week depends on whether their football team won or lost the previous Saturday.
But what about you? Is there someone with whom you have chosen to identify? Be careful with that decision, because the person you become will reflect the person you choose to follow and befriend. And the image that others have of you will reflect those with whom you identify. Knowing that, it only makes sense to choose to identify with Jesus. Even those who don’t follow him never question his character.
Have you chosen to let his spirit be your model? Do you action indicate that you identify with him? Do other see Jesus in you?
What is your identity?