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We love our Chapel Hill kids! We have nursery provided on Sunday mornings for both services (8:30, 11 a.m.) We also have children's activity bags outside the sanctuary. We've got great resources to help you and your child worship and learn more about God. Children's Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m. in the Mother's Day Out Wing of the building. We use scripture, song, and video to help connect your child to Bible stories! Also, watch for our Mana classes in the spring and fall that have children's options as well!

Explore the "bigness" of God with your little ones. Help your child make a self portrait out of food and talk about how God made them.
1. Take some bread, toasted or not.
2. You can cut shapes the the bread for mouth, eyes, nose ... whatever you want.
3. Make a circle of a spread, like Nutella, hummus, or peanut butter so the "features" stick to the toast.
4. For the features use things like cheese for hair, raisins, nuts, pretzels, carrots - whatever they like.
5. As you engage with your child, enjoy the act of creation and give thanks for the beauty God made in them.