Chapel Hill United Methodist Church is blessed with musical talent. Extraordinary singers led by nationally acclaimed director, Dr. Randi Von Ellefson, instrumentalists that charm us with orchestration, bells that chime with precision are all regularly featured in our worship services. Our organist and director of our handbells is Ellen Jackson. Musicians of all ages and types have been drawn to this church since its beginning. Come and hear us sing!
For information about any of the music programs, please contact Ellen Jackson, Coordinator of Music and Organist using the form below.

Chancel Choir
Rehearsal on Wednesdays 6:45-8:00pm
Led by Dr. Randi Von Ellefson. Open to all adults, college and older without audition. Rehearsal and performances September through May. Performs for Sunday worship and other events.

Regular accompanists and pianists are always needed and welcomed
Please contact Ellen Jackson about your ability to serve as a regular pianists or as a substitute.

Chapel Bells
Adults, Music Readers Rehearsals Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm
Directed by Ellen Jackson. Group meets and performs throughout the year.

Blackwelder Brass
This group from Oklahoma City University is a regular guest performer in worship.
Although this group is from outside, they perform regularly and are an enhancement to our musical offerings.

Spirit Winds
Brass and Woodwinds, anyone who plays an instrument
Rehearsals Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm
Directed by Andrew Sharp. Perform monthly for worship services and in community outreach concerts.