From the youngest to the oldest there are opportunties to begin and deepen your discipleship journey, your quest to be the person God means for you to be. On Wednesday night, all ages participate in Midweek, an informal gathering. We share a meal and learn about God.
Sundays and Wednesdays there are caring learning opportunities for children through 5th grade. Special community events are held two times a month and throughout the summer. All children are invited to participate, membership is not a requirement.
Youth (6th to senior high) meet on Sunday morning. They also get together on Wednesdays for small groups and dinner. During the summer camp is on the agenda. Traditionally the youth have held a Winter Retreat and Mission, and also lead worship at least once a year.
We are present for each other in our groups: women, men, retired and young adults. We provide opportunities to learn, to do, but also to share companionship and encouragement as we dedicate ourselves to becoming better disciples for Christ.
Step outside your normal clique.
If you're a student, consider ringing bells for worship.
If you're retired, how about growing young and shepherd a children's Sunday school class.
We have so much to learn from each other transforming the world.